PPGCC recebe professor visitante da Itália
No período de 3 a 17 de maio o PPGCC/DPI recebeu a visita do Prof. Michele Monaci da Università degli Studi di Padova, Itália. A visita do Prof. Michele é a primeira ação do projeto de Pesquisador Visitante, aprovado pela CAPES/CsF, coordenado pelos professores André Gustavo dos Santos e José Elias Cláudio Arroyo.
No dia 12 o Prof. Michele apresentou a palestra abaixo para os docentes e discentes do PPGCC.
Title: 2-Dimensional packing problems in telecommunications
We consider 2-dimensional packing problems that arise from telecommunications applications. In particular, according to WiMAX technology, information is sent to several users within the same frame, thus an efficient and fast way to send information and to recover it is required. Within this context, many interesting packing problems with different objectives and constraints can be defined. We consider two main models, analyze their complexity, and introduce approximate algorithm for an efficient solution of the problem. Finally, computational experiments on a large set of realistic scenarios are presented.